For over 100 years, New England Wire Technologies has been a worldwide leader in custom solutions for a broad range of industries. From medical, scientific and military to aerospace, audio and alternative energy, we partner with today's most innovative companies to help develop tomorrow’s technology.

Medical Electronics
Advancements in medical technology over the past century have changed the way we practice medicine and saved countless lives. We are committed to helping the world’s leading medical device manufacturers create the next generation of life saving technology.

Robotics & Automation
The evolution of robotics and automation have transformed the modern manufacturing process. The intelligent factory of the future requires a level of flexibility and sophistication never before seen. From advanced sensors to autonomous motion control, components that can withstand ever increasing extremes in environment and performance will be imperative to remain productive.

Alternative Energy
As the global energy landscape evolves, suppliers face complex challenges in order to meet customer demand and government regulation. From alternative power solutions to advanced battery storage systems, we will continue to help develop the energy infrastructure of tomorrow.

Military & Defense
Advancements in defense technology have helped to reduce casualties and increase intelligence to levels never before thought possible. We are committed to working with agencies to continue this advancement and help provide intelligent defense solutions.

Industrial Manufacturing
As industrial manufacturing evolves from assembly lines to high-tech automation, the need for robust products to perform well under increasingly harsh conditions is the key to improving productivity. From ultra flexible, micro-miniature interconnect cables to high frequency, high current or extreme temperature applications, our custom and proprietary products are designed to perform in the most severe environments.

Coil Windings
Since 1898, New England Wire Technologies has designed and manufactured thousands of different constructions across dozens of industries. While early windings were large and crude, with limited temperature ranges, proprietary advancements in technology have led to improved efficiencies and performance, resulting in reduced cost over the life of the product.

Communications & Control
At the dawn of the telecommunications age we pioneered key components of the early telephone and have helped transform the technology ever since. As the information age evolves, we continue to help revolutionize the way we communicate.

Audio & Video
How we consume music and video may have changed throughout the years, but our love for it hasn’t. We partner with the most technologically advanced entertainment companies to deliver world-class experiences for today’s discriminating audiences.

Science and Research
A famous scientist once said “Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere”. Through our scholarship and outreach initiatives, we hope to inspire the next generation of scientists to dream beyond today’s technology and achieve the impossible.

Custom Tubing Technologies
Well-versed in the specific requirements of numerous industries including medical, industrial manufacturing, military, and aerospace, providing superior performance tubing is our passion; regardless of application.