Medical Electronics
Medical Electronics
Advancements in medical technology over the past century have changed the way we practice medicine and saved countless lives. We are committed to helping the world’s leading medical device manufacturers create the next generation of life saving technology.
Custom Braids
High-quality braided products are part of our long history of excellence.
Flat and Wide Braids
We manufacture flat and wide braids in a vast selection of materials and constructions
Shielding Braids
Reduce electrical interference and provide mechanical protection for your cable
Ultra Flexible Strands
For applications where flexibility and extended flex-life are primary concerns
What Makes Surgical Robots Tick?
As technological advances continue to accelerate and bring new solutions to market, surgical robots will benefit
Medical Robotics: Powering a Revolution in Healthcare
The revolution in robotic prosthesis and exoskeleton technologies are the result of advances in materials that make the devices stronger, manufacturing methods that make them more realistic, and the introduction of electronics that make them smarter.