Science & Research
Product Selection Guide
Often referred to as “The Big White Book”, this guide introduces our wide range of products and capabilities
Supporting our Local Students
We are proud to be advocates for the next generation of robotic engineers
Litz Wire and Electric/Hybrid Vehicle Technologies
Take a spin around the EV landscape and see where Litz wire is used!
Multi-Conductor Cables
Incorporating multiple conductors into one cable for the ultimate in customization and usage flexibility
Electrical Testing Lab Video Tour
Take a look at some of the electrical tests we perform every day
Our Testing Capabilities
At New England Wire Technologies, our experienced technicians perform a diverse array of on-site testing in the lab as well as on the manufacturing floor.
Material Analysis Testing Lab Video Tour
See the tools we use to examine the materials that go into our cables
Robotic Cable Design: The Details Matter
Key design features and material recommendations
The Anatomy of a Robotic Cable
Let’s find out about the unique features required to support one of the hottest industries in the marketplace…
The Anatomy of a Ventilator Cable
With the ever-increasing need for interconnectivity and communication in nearly all medical devices, cable design has become even more critical to innovative companies building the next generation of life-saving technologies.
Apollo 11: We Touched the Moon and Now Aim at the Stars
A brief history and a look at what the future holds